You have probably heard different Internet marketers use the term "sales funnel." Do you know what that means in terms of list building$%: Let's set one up.

Say you're list building around offering free parenting tips.

As soon as someone signs up for your list to receive these tips, the very next thing your new list member should see is a thank-you page, which says, "Thank you for joining my list, you may also find this interesting..." Then, offer them a product that fits the theme of your list, like an ebook about dealing with teenagers or software to keep their soccer games straight or whatever.

Tell them, "I read this ebook on (inset topic here), and I would highly recommend it to you in preparation for the course," for instance. Sign up at ClickBank or MyFirstAffiliateProduct and became an affiliate for the ebook and you've bought it and read it and are sure it's something you can recommend and will be paid for. This is why you're list building to begin with, and it's how you monetize your list.

You may wonder how you make the thank you page appear after people opt-in to your list.

Do it through your autoresponder when you're setting up the opt-in box for your squeeze page. Autoresponders allow you to add special links for the thank you letter. So, you upload your new thank-you page to your web host's (or your own) server, either through .FTP or the file manager.

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After you've done that, add the URL of the thank-you page into your autoresponder. Then, the HTML code the autoresponder feeds back to you includes that URL. Add the HTML to the page. Then, your opt-in box tells the autoresponder what to do--to send people to your offer, after they opt-in to your list.

It all comes down to doing things the right way:

  • Find a product
  • Make a "thank you" page and upload it to your server
  • Put that URL into your autoresponder and get the HTML for your opt-in box.
  • Build a list building squeeze page and upload it to your server
  • Drive traffic to your page and get people to opt-in to your list

There are more elaborate configurations, but this is a simple way for you to start and get going. Don't wait! Start building your list and making money today.

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